Tourist visa to Canada is required for those individuals who move to Canada on short trips for amusement or business purpose. These people need to obtain tourist visa to explore the world for fun or for business sites around the world. Spend fun time with family or friends at different places of Canada. brilliantly handles the process of tourist visa and make it very easy for you to attain the visa in few days. Some key points of Canadian toursit visa are shown below:

Documents required to apply for tourist visa to Canada:

Eligibility: Different countries have different eligibility criteria. Generally, you should not have the intention to work or study during your stay and must have the financial means to support yourself during your visit.

Application Process: The application process typically involves filling out a visa application form and providing necessary documentation, such as a valid passport, recent photographs, and proof of sufficient funds to cover your stay. Some countries may also require a letter of invitation from a host or hotel reservation.

Duration: Tourist visas are usually granted for a specific period, often ranging from a few weeks to a few months. The duration can vary depending on the country you are visiting.

Interview: In some cases, you may be required to attend an interview at the embassy or consulate of the country you intend to visit.

Travel Insurance: It's a good idea to have travel insurance to cover unexpected events during your trip, such as medical emergencies, lost luggage, or trip cancellations.

Proof of Intent to Return: To prove that you intend to return to your home country after your visit, you may need to provide evidence like a return flight ticket, employment verification, or property ownership.

Validity and Renewal: Tourist visas are typically valid for a single entry or multiple entries. If you want to extend your stay, you may need to apply for an extension or a new visa.